Thursday, 13 November 2014

aliens are they real or fake what do you think aliens are they real or fake what do you think

Aliens UFO's: Are They Real or Fake - What Do You Think?

Personally do I think live do exist in outer space for the simple reason that the odds are just to great out there for us to be the only life form in all of the Universe.

Also do I believe in intellegent life far more higher developed than us through billions of years of evolution.

If you take our own development it spans a few thousand years, you really can't expect much in terms of out standing mental development since our technical blast of technology happened over the last 150 years from a ox wagon to a space shuttle and every thing in between like the Internet and computers. Seen as such it was a major achievement the explosion of knowledge and I personally think that since the Internet came into play we are probably doubling our knowledge yearly if not in less time. Think where we will be in the next 50 years if something major like a 3 rd world war don't smash it for some reason.

UFO sightings has been reported for some time already but do we have any physical proof of such space craft, I do take it they must be from outer space some where.

Mutilation, alien abductions, crop circles are there any real proof of such happenings. What about the area 51 incident where a alien space craft has crashed in 1947, any thing real about that, even seen a TV program about it, if so yet it would be a military top secret issue I would imagine.

Apparently the USA Air Force has a department dealing with such issues as aliens and UFO's, good thing I would say cause we just don't know what to expect from outer space friend or foe.

Been thinking NASA"s next move is probably deep space exploration, however fooling around here on our doorstep like sending a space craft to Mars where there is in my oppinnion nothing much is a waist of time and money and besides what do they plan to achieve.

Taking our own galaxy the 'Milky Way' some 100 million light years accross, now we are talking about some deep space and in terms of the Universe at large is our galaxy a spec in the ocean so big is the Uiverse.

You know what I am inclined to thing when God created the stars and the Universe it happened all around us since Earth was there first and that make us smack bang in the center of the Universe.

What about Alien Communication?

I'm quite sure it is been happening to some people over a long period of time - Telepathy?

I have seen people from outer space one night in a clear dream looking exactly like us but boy they exchange knowledge in terms of mega bytes per second without repeating any thing and was told we still have a long way to go before we can match them in any way and that we just do not have much that are of interest to them being so far behind. I mentioned our technological achievements like computers and the Internet, there answer it is 'old news' they communicate purely through there mental abilities developed over millions of years. Traveling through space by space craft or just simply appearing any where they like in spiritual form. Believe me they have been around and are not much impressed.

So what have we do have to offer? However do not dispair from time to time I do get some messages which is quite interesting what they actually confirm of what I might have think of - it comes through quite clearly.

Any body having similar experiences?

Well what do you as reader think about this I would very much like to know if there are any real proof available in all of this.

Herman Dreyer


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Some Interesting Links

Alien Life | Paul Tyma's Alien Blog

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